Spirituality/Belief • Business • Culture
Our hope is to inspire and improve people lives by sharing life transforming techniques and skills of the successful. The man on camera is US Navy Vet, Entrepreneur, Massive Coronary Survivor, 20+ years as a certified and degreed accountant, 32 years sales experience. D & L Enterprise, LLC DBA D & L Mentors
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September 02, 2022

ok so anyone notice with Bidens Red Sermon that the democrats have not changed. since the "War of Northern Aggression". "we the people" he is talking about is the "ruling Class" in America. That he declared Half of America to join his side and give up your Ideology.
Leviticus 18:22 You shall not lie with a male as with a women: it is an abomination
Deuteronomy 22:5 "a women shall not wear a man garment, nor shall a man put on a women's clock, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God"
I don't remember as "We the People" having a vote on Gay marriage. I don't think i will give up my Ideology but i have been warned
2 Timothy 3:12 Indeed, all who Desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be Persecuted.
If anything Last nights Red Sermon by Joey biden said just that.

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Star Spangled Banner, 1814

Full 1814 Star Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key with Visual i was planning to run this one my channel as an opening. should i show this graphic or with one with Lyrics?
Original Lyrics can be found.


September 13, 2023
NM Gov and 2nd Amendment | Episode 96

I look at the New Mexico Governor orders and a bit of the interview of the time of the pubic announcement. Ask some questions and give my two cents.

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Base Fundamentals for Sales and Small Business | Episode 93

Basic Tips on Sales, Small business and Mindset. Based on personal experience.

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@DnLMentors Here you go. My $30 dollar donation to the help DnL fund. Hope everything works out for you. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers. 🙏God Bless

wanted to put up something but not burn bridges.
November 16, 2023
No Man's Sky - Nov. 16. 2023

No Man's Sky where every star is the light of a distant sun, each orbited by planets filled with life, and you can go to any of them you choose. Fly smoothly from deep space to planetary surfaces, with no loading screens, and no limits. In this infinite procedurally generated universe, you'll discover places and creatures that no other players have seen before - and perhaps never will again.

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